Vintners’ Federation of Ireland – VFI

The Vintners’ Federation of Ireland (VFI) represents 4,000 publicans across Ireland. They work on behalf of their members’ to promote and protect their interests and give advice to members on topics such as licensing laws, employment legislation, planning matters and much more.
The Federation is organised on a national and county basis to ensure that members have support from the trade at all levels for any policy decision, programme or plan which the National Executive Council considers necessary to protect and promote the interests of members and to ensure that their business will give them a satisfactory livelihood.
The Federation’s aims and objectives are to:
- Organise, promote and protect the interests of publicans.
- Take a proactive approach to improving the profile of pubs.
- Take combined action to look after the interests of its members.
- Promote improvements in the law affecting the trade.
- Represent the views of the Licensed Trade on issues related to member interests.
- Offer advice and circulate information to members.
- Improve the technical knowledge of members.
- Obtain special advantages for membership.
- Organise any Benevolent Fund for the well-being of members as appropriate.
- Monitor developments in regulations as pertaining to the Licensed Trade.
Pat Crotty
Chief Executive
Pat Crotty is the Chief Executive of the Vintners’ Federation of Ireland and a Member of the ITIC Council.