Tourism outlook for 2015
The target of 440,000 or 6% increase in overseas visitors in 2015 is realistic given the relatively benign state of source market economies, the increase in access capacity into Ireland and strength of the pound sterling and the US dollar. However, growth is not guaranteed, there is still much work to be done to ensure that 2014/15 is not ‘as good as it gets’ for Ireland’s tourism industry.
Businesses across the country have done well with their hard work and determination in the face of many challenges over recent years. But there is still a lot of work to do in order to ensure that Ireland remains competitive. The industry needs continued investment and innovation to build on the success of 2014.
Economic outlook across Ireland’s main source markets
The health of the tourism industry, as is the case of the Irish economy, is heavily determined by the wider global economic environment, particularly the UK, Eurozone and US economies.
UK growth reaches seven-year high
The UK economy is forecast to grow by at least 2.5% per annum in 2015 and 2016, following a forecast 3% growth in 2014, the highest rate of growth since 2007. Consumer spending is expected to remain the main growth driver, but its contribution to GDP will fall, particularly after the expected rise in official interest rates. While the services sector continues to be the main contributor to growth, manufacturing and construction are back in positive territory. Sterling is expected to stay strong against the euro, as interest rates rise in 2015.
Another year of weak growth and very low inflation for the Eurozone economy in 2015
Recent data show that the Eurozone economy is very weak, with the recovery in economic activity remaining anaemic and fragile. GDP rose by a meagre 0.2% in the third quarter after growth of just 0.1% in the second quarter, while the latest data suggest that the economy remained depressed in the final quarter of the year. As a result the European Central Bank slashed its GDP forecasts, with the economy now expected to grow by 1% in 2015 and 1.5% in 2016, some 0.5% lower than it had predicted in September. Not surprisingly, then, pressure is mounting for further easement measures to counter low inflation and further kick start the Eurozone economy, particularly in the underperforming economies such as France and Italy. Once again Germany is expected to be the engine of growth, with the Germans’ appetite for travel undented.
The U.S. economy in good shape
While the outlook for growth in all major economies around the world is being revised downward, only the U.S. economy is now expected to grow faster than previously anticipated at close to 3% for 2015. Lower energy costs will boost broad economic activity in the near term and fiscal policy becomes more supportive of growth.
After rising about 5% against a basket of currencies this year, the US dollar could gain another 5% in 2015. A stronger dollar means cheaper overseas travel and cheaper imports for Americans.
Another year of growth in airline seats and car ferry capacity in 2015
The good news is that more seats will be available on air services, a primary driver of tourism demand. Capacity on transatlantic services in the peak months of 2015 will be 13% ahead of last summer, with an increase in capacity on short haul services of up to 5%. The principle additions to air service routes and frequency which will benefit inbound tourism include:
From the US
- Aer Lingus is launching a new service from Washington Dulles to Dublin, while adding more departures from San Francisco, JFK and Orlando, as well as increasing capacity on the Boston-Shannon route.
- United Airlines is adding a new Chicago-Dublin service, in addition to operating from Newark and Washington Dulles.
- American Airlines is adding capacity from Charlotte to Dublin.
- Delta Airlines is increasing capacity from Atlanta to Dublin.
- Ethiopian Airlines will operate a new service between Los Angeles and Dublin.
- A number of seasonal services to Shannon will operate over a longer period in summer 2015, these include American’s service from Philadelphia and Delta’s JFK service.
From Germany
- Lufthansa / Germanwings will offer additional services from Dusseldorf and Munich to Dublin
From France
- Transavia is entering the market with a new Paris Orly–Dublin service
- Aer Lingus is launching a Dublin-Nantes service
From Spain
- Vueling is entering the market with a new Barcelona-Dublin service
From Sweden
- SAS is adding a new Gothenburg-Dublin service
From Belgium
- Ryanair will operate increased frequency from Brussels to Dublin
From Finland
- Finnair is launching a new service from Helsinki to Dublin
From Iceland
- WOW is providing for the first time a scheduled service from Reykjavik to Dublin
In addition to the above, Ryanair and Aer Lingus are adding services on a number of established routes; while there will be some tweaking of frequency on other services.
Stena Line increases capacity between Holyhead and Dublin
A larger ship, Stena Superfast X, will replace the Stena Nordica on the route in early 2015. Stena Superfast X, a sister ship of the Stena Superfast VII and VIII ships which the company currently operates to/from Belfast, has capacity for up to 1,200 passengers and provides almost 2 km of lane space to accommodate a mix of car and freight traffic. Stena Nordica, the company’s second ship on the route, catered primarily to freight traffic while accommodating up to 400 passengers, it did not cater to foot passengers.
Irish Ferries offer expanded capacity
2014 saw investment by Irish Ferries in adding a new ship, Epsilon, which increased the line’s frequency and capacity on the Dublin to Holyhead route as well as launching a new weekly service linking Dublin with Cherbourg.
Tourism delivers jobs
Best estimates indicate that employment in the industry has recovered to at least 205,000 and is responsible for sustaining several thousand more in employment. The sector has amply demonstrated its ability to create employment and help reduce the high levels of unemployment in the country, with the prospect of a further 8,000 jobs being created in 2015, according to Fáilte Ireland. It is hoped that the new Tourism Policy will address the issues surrounding skills challenges facing the sector. There is a need for the modernisation of the education and training system appropriate for the industry to meet its demands for suitably qualifies labour in order to continue to enhance Ireland’s reputation as a hospitable and competitive travel destination.
Competitiveness key to continued success
The resilience of the tourism sector is well documented as is evident from the results achieved when competitiveness of the sector is restored. The global recession hit world travel and tourism hard, but it is important to remember that Ireland’s tourism economy was becoming structurally uncompetitive a decade ago due to the rising costs of doing business in Ireland. Many businesses within the sector failed, and up to 50,000 jobs were lost. But businesses have remodelled and are now more efficient, while Government has shown confidence in the sector by addressing competitiveness measures.
In its latest report the National Competitiveness Council is once again highlighting the need for vigilance with regard to cost competitiveness. A range of indicators suggest that Ireland is already beginning to slip in terms of cost competitiveness, particularly in relation to labour and energy costs. Policy decisions on income tax, PRSI structures and USC charges impact overall labour costs and employment patterns. In addition, property costs including commercial rates and other state imposed charges continue to threaten the competitiveness of the sector.
Need for continued investment in tourism
While State finances continue to be under pressure, a programme of sustainable Government funding for tourism is essential if the industry is to prosper and grow further. Stable investment in international marketing of the destination is a ‘sine qua non’ if Ireland is to remain competitive. A continuing erosion of the level of marketing investment across the key markets, which has occurred in recent years, can only eventually result in a loss of awareness in the market. This will lead to an inevitable decline in demand, resulting in loss of market share.
Investment in world quality infrastructure - transport, communications, air and sea ports – is also essential to remaining competitive and maximising the potential for growth in a globally expanding industry.
The continued provision and upgrading of key tourism attractors is vital to the future success of the industry. ITIC has already outlined the case for state support for the sector indicating that a 5 year €250 million programme of investment support over the 2016-2020 period is needed to ensure that growth in tourism is sustainable.
Amongst the challenges facing the industry is that of enterprise development and innovation in the range of tourism products and experiences to meet the needs of a changing international market. Tourism, as an indigenous sector, has the export capacity alongside the food and agri-sector to deliver sustainable growth. Indeed there is a synergy between the food and agi-sector and tourism which has considerable unfulfilled potential.
